"Development of Nuclear UnderGround Engineered Test Surrogates for Tech" by Robert Boone Gilbreath

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

John D. Auxier II

Committee Members

Howard L. Hall, Lawrence H. Heilbronn


A method for formulation and production of Nuclear UnderGround Engineered Test Surrogates (NUGETS) based on notional improvised nuclear device (IND) detonations in an underground environment analogous to the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) is presented. Extensive statistical analyses of precursory geochemical and geophysical characteristics are combined with an augmented surrogate debris cooling technique and predictive IND contributions from the ORIGEN Fallout Analysis Tool. Precursory and resultant elemental compositions, cooling curve calculations, and visual comparison of NUGETS to genuine underground debris are reported. Application of NUGETS methodology to future studies in urban, underground post-detonation technical nuclear forensic (TNF) analysis is suggested.

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