Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agriculture and Extension Education

Major Professor

Randol G. Waters

Committee Members

W. Warren Gill, Doyle G. Meadows


The Purpose of this study was to determine the perceived influence of the development in certain life skills and decisions regarding education and career choices. A total of 52 former participants of the program were identified and responded to mailed questionnaires concerning their experiences in the 4-H livestock project.

Findings revealed that participation in the 4-H livestock projects had a positive effect on the development of life skills such as leadership, confidence, communication skills, record keeping skills, and confidence. Decisions regarding educational and career choices were impacted. Participants regarded participation in the livestock projects as having "some effect" (M= 3.16) on a Likert-type scale on the decision to continue their education. Participants regarded participation in the livestock projects as having "some effect" (M= 3.12) on a Likert-type scale of influencing their choice of career.

Recommendations include continuing to promote and encourage participation in the 4-H livestock projects for the development of life skills. The study should be replicated on a larger scale to confirm results on a broader scale.

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