Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Gregory Sedrick

Committee Members

Denise Jackson, George Garrison


The purpose of this study was to gather a detailed understanding and encompassing list of topics for an Engineering Management Online Handbook. To better understand the profession of Engineering Management, the history of the profession is discussed. Although an Engineering Management Handbook currently exists on the World Wide Web, this study incorporates surveys of practicing engineers and current literature research. General perceptions and comments were collected from practicing engineers about the current state of the Handbook as it exists at the website of the American Society for Engineering Management ( It seems as though the main contributors currently are professors associated with the American Society for Engineering Management. Of the 26 topics listed on the Table of Contents, only a handful contains relevant links that have been updated in the past year. Corresponding handbooks were studied and reviewed for gaps or new philosophies and tools. Topics were analyzed and compared to the Engineering Management Body of Knowledge. Recommendations and an encompassing list of topics are provided.

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