Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Sport Studies

Major Professor

Dennie Kelley

Committee Members

Joy T. DeSensi, Gi-Yong Koo


The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Asian players, especially those from South Korea and Japan, on revenue changes of the Seattle Mariners, Los Angeles Dodgers and Major League Baseball (MLB).

To gather data, the directors of Asian baseball operations from the Seattle Mariners, LA Dodgers and MLB were contacted via e-mail and telephone. In addition, two journalists from the sports industry and two experts from the baseball industry were contacted via e-mail. Further, data showing MLB's and teams' revenue sources from Japan and South Korea were collected from several sports websites.

To investigate the impact of Asian players on their teams and on the MLB revenue change, this study focuses on answering the following three questions: a) Have there been any significant increases in the revenue of MLB, the Seattle Mariners and Los Angeles Dodgers after acquiring Asian players? b) What are the additional revenue sources that can be realized by acquiring Asian players? c) Have Asian players had a positive cost-benefit effect?

Descriptive analysis was used in interpreting the results of this study, and the results are shown by percentages, mean, tables, and figures. Further, comparison of collected secondary data shows the Seattle Mariners', the Los Angeles Dodgers' and MLB's revenue changes after obtaining Asian players.

The findings of the study show that obtaining Asian players was effective in increasing the two teams' and MLB's revenue. Additionally, revenue from Japan was the most significant factor in this revenue increase. This study provides an opportunity to examine a new trend of the global sports industry and also can be a reference to MLB teams when they obtain Asian players.

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