"A Comparison of the Heroines in Three Representative Novels of Concha " by Barbara Harris Dennis

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

P.V. Fernandez

Committee Members

Yulan M. Washburn, Walter R. Hahn, Jr.


It has been the intent of this study to present a closely referenced comparison of the heroines of three representative novels by Concha Espina.

Through the use of developmental analyses and plot summaries of La esfinge maragata, El metal de los muertos and El Caliz rojo it has been possible to obtain a valid assessment of the similarities and contrasts found in the respective protagonists. In spite of the obvious differences in environmental, social and circumstantial elements, the three women evidence essentially the same basic personality traits, attitudes and reactions.

The personal tragedy in the lives of the three women and the anguish suffered by them result from similar sources. Each, yearning for a life of happiness, concentrates all her energy and attention on an illusorily ideal male figure, only to learn of his basic weakness; consequently, each is deprived of the much wanted life of love and happiness with him.

Regardless of the resultant disillusionment, the women remain spiritually faithful to their mistaken illusions. The unrealistic devotion exhibited by them in their romantic relationships constitutes their most extraordinary characteristic.

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