"Analysis of Processing Times of Selected Quantity Food Production Form" by Vivian Sue Connelly

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Management Science

Major Professor

Mary J. Hitchcock

Committee Members

Grayce E. Goertz, John N. Snider


The relationship of recipe processing time to number of servings, and pan size to number of servings was studied. These relationships are a prerequisite to the development of standard times for production tasks. Two recipe processing steps, panning pork chops and panning and dredging meat cubes were selected; the physical conditions influencing the performance of the steps were identified and controls defined. The variables were 100, 300, 500 and 700 servings and two pan sizes, counter pans (20 x 12 x 2-1/2 inches) and bun pans (18 x 26 x 3/4 inches).

Time required to prepare the processing steps varied with the number of servings and cooks. The variation was not proportional, thus conversion factors were determined. Specific standard times for the variables, that is, number of servings, pan size and cook were established. A regression model was plotted and data curves were established.

Success in setting time standards for recipe processing steps of any food service system is dependent on standardized recipes and production units where correct work methods are defined and practiced.

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