Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Frances A. Schofield, Cyrus Mayshark


This thesis is a resume of the author's field experience in public health agencies in Maryland. The field placement was planned to supplement previous work experience and graduate study toward a Master of Science Degree in Public Health Nutrition. The field placement was arranged to provide an opportunity for the student to gain an understanding of the interrelationships of nutrition programs and services at different governmental levels.

Two weeks were spent in the Maryland State Department of Health and in the Baltimore County Health Department, and four weeks were spent in the Baltimore City Health Department which is responsible for administering federally-funded Maternity and Infant Care and Children and Youth Projects. Orientation was provided to state health programs with a nutrition component through conferences and specific literature provided for reading. The orientation in the Baltimore County and Baltimore City Health Departments included observation and participation in various programs and services as well as personal interviews and selected readings.

During the field placement the student learned about the health problems in Maryland and how the public health programs have developed to alleviate or minimize the problems. An overall view of the state public health organization was gained with a more thorough understanding of those bureaus and divisions into which nutrition service are integrated.

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