Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Food Science and Technology
Major Professor
Mary Jo Hitchcock
Committee Members
Gracyce E. Goertz, Jane R. Savage
Feasible use of work sampling as a method of evaluating school food service employees' performance before and after training sessions on work simplification was studied. Random observations of employees' activities throughout two nine day periods resulted in 1,163 observations the first period and 1,110 the second period. Comparisons of the two periods on the basis of percent of time spent in three work functions and in each of 18 activities showed greatest changes in processing activities, with 2.2 percent more time during the second period; transportation activities, with 2.0 percent less time; cleaning activities, with 1.3 percent more time; and personal delays, with 1.4 percent more time. The general decrease in time spent in transportation and redistribution of the processing activities might be an indication of positive results of the training on work simplification.
Comparison of activities by individual workers indicated that those with fewer years experience in school food service who attended training sessions spent less time in transportation activities after training. Employees with many years experience, regardless of their attendance of the training sessions, did not show these changes.
Work sampling might be used to indicate the effects of training by comparison of employees' use of time before and after training. Although this work sampling was not specific enough to indicate the actual time of the individual's activity, it could be used to indicate problem areas for further study.
Recommended Citation
Beard, Vivian B., "Work Sampling as a Method of Evaluating a School Food Service Training Program. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1970.
pages missing or possibly just miss numbered (30, 31)