"Public Health Nutrition Experiences with the Louisiana State Departmen" by Mamie Brown Davis

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Mary Jo Hitchcock, Cyrus Mayshark


This report describes and analyzes the observations and experiences of the student nutritionist during ten weeks of field training with the Nutrition Section in the Louisiana State Department of Health. The purpose of the training was to supplement academic training in public health nutrition at the University of Tennessee and the previous background of the student. The field experience was planned to increase her understanding of the function of the Institutional Nutrition Consultant as an integral part of the public health program in a state agency.

Information was obtained on the history, organization, and programs of the Louisiana State Department of Health through reading, conferences, observation, and a planned orientation. Experiences were provided for the student to observe and participate in a variety of activities at the state, regional, and local levels. Some emphasis was given to day care services including opportunities to glean information from several sources to aid her in writing guidelines for food service facilities in day care centers. A questionnaire was designed to investigate characteristics of day care centers in Louisiana.

The experiences provided the student with an overview of the total state health program and the role of nutrition in the program. These experiences contributed to the development of skills and to professional growth. General guidelines for planning food service facilities in day care centers were developed using data from the questionnaires and other sources.

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