Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Food Science and Technology
Major Professor
Grayce E. Geortz
Committee Members
Jane R. Savage, Bernadine Meyer
The effect of heat on myoglobin concentration of pectoralis major and thigh muscles of nine turkey toms was studied. Heat treatments included end point temperatures of 35o, 50o, and 65oC.
Myoglobin concentration of the pectoralis major as expressed on a wet and a nonfat dry basis did not change with increasing temperature. However, myoglobin concentration in the thigh on both a wet and a nonfat dry weight basis decreased as temperature increased (P < 0.005). The concentration of the pigment did not decrease until the samples were cooked to 50oC, and some myoglobin was still present at 65oC. Myoglobin concentration of the thigh was higher than that of the pectoralis major on both a wet and a nonfat dry basis (P < 0.001).
Moisture decreased in both the pectoralis major and thigh as temperature increased (P < 0.005) and tended to be higher in the thigh than in the pectoralis major for the raw and 35°C samples. Fat also decreased in the pectoralis major as temperature increased (P < 0.0.5) but, although higher in the thigh than in the pectoralis major, was unrelated to temperature.
Recommended Citation
Sandefer, Janice Gail, "Myoglobin Concentration of Turkey Muscle as Affected by Heat. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1970.