Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Major Professor
Mary Nelle Traylor
Committee Members
Roy E. Beauchene, Cyrus Mayshark
This report is based upon observations and experiences during seven weeks with the Office of Nutrition, Nassau County Department of Health. The purpose of the field training was to supplement academic experience in public health nutrition at the University of Tennessee.
A gamut of experiences aided the student in her study of the function of the Office of Nutrition in the official health agency and in the community. Information was obtained pertaining to the physical, social, economic, and political climate in relation to the health needs of the county residents. Observation and participation in a variety of activities increased the student's understanding of community health and the role of the nutritionist in public health. These experiences also provided opportunities to observe how priorities are established and what services are offered to meet the established priorities within the nutrition unit and within the department of health. Developing the nutrition component of the Levittown Health Fair provided an opportunity to work with other health professionals and with a large number of residents from the county including both adolescents and adults.
The orientation to the Nassau County Department of Health contributed to an understanding of the organization and the role of the official agency in meeting community health needs. Insight was gained through conferences with the Director of Nutrition and her staff for a greater understanding of the responsibilities of the nutrition unit within the agency. Observation demonstrated how program planning is greatly influenced by overall priorities of the organization. The experience in providing nutritional services through various modes of communication such as individual counseling and group teaching increased self-confidence. As a result of the Levittown Health Fair project screening techniques were used, recognition of the need for community health care was observed, and professional skill in developing, planning, implementing, and evaluating a community activity was developed. Through these experiences an understanding of professionalism was gained. The public health nutritionist must be an informed activist in health care planning and in political affairs if her services are to contribute to improving community health, and the field training has provided the background for the student to begin fulfilling this role.
Recommended Citation
Repnicki, Suzanne, "Field Experiences with the Office of Nutrition, Department of Health Nassau County, New York. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1972.