"Development of Standard Times for Work Modules Used in Quantity Food P" by Nadine E. Smith

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary J. Hitchcock

Committee Members

Grayce E. Goertz, John N. Snider


Reduction of costs and continuous cost control is a necessary element in modern food service industries. This study explored the application of time and motion techniques to the production of roast beef sandwiches in volume to establish standard times. For this purpose each specific task was divided into work elements whose beginning and ending points were easily recognized. Continuous stop-watch timing was used for the data collection of work performed by one person.

Standard times were determined for each element and each task. Sequential time data were plotted graphically to illustrate the learning curve demonstrated in representative work elements. A 95 percent confidence interval was used as the basis for determination of standard times for each element. Through the additivity of the elemental times, total task time of 0.18 minutes was-established for placing and adjusting roast beef for slicing; 1.26 minutes for cleaning a head of lettuce; and 9.58 minutes for assembling twenty-four roast beef sandwiches.

Using the elemental times determined in this study, it could be possible for managers to evaluate present and proposed work methods, standardize procedures and techniques, predict production times, and effectively schedule personnel and equipment.

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