Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Frances A. Schofield, Cyrus Mayshark


Nutrition is an integral part of life and health. Textbooks and academic training in nutrition need to be supplemented with practical experience in the community in order to round out a nutritionist's training. The eight-week field experience in a health agency was planned to increase the breadth of the student nutritionist's previous experience and academic training and to prepare her to assume a leadership role in the application of nutrition in public health.

The field experience with the Nutrition Division of the Ohio Department of Health was designed to enable the student to observe and participate in applied nutrition in Ohio. The student attended meetings and participated in activities with the Chief of the Nutrition Division, the Institutional Dietary Consultant, a district nutritionist, and other health department personnel. Since the health department is not the only agency providing nutrition services, the student was able to interview, observe, and work with nutritionists from various other agencies. Examples of experiences included participation in a school dietary survey, a planning meeting for teaching elementary school teachers how to incorporate nutrition into their curriculum, and several nursing home consultations.

Through these experiences the student nutritionist was able to observe nutritionists planning, coordinating, implementing, and evaluating programs jointly with other professionals and laymen to provide comprehensive health services in Ohio. The experience provided the student with an overview of the total state health program and the role of nutrition in that program. By participating in the nutrition program the student developed increased confidence in her ability to apply her academic training and developed professional attitudes and skills necessary for a public health nutritionist.

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