"Field Observations and Experiences in the Division of Nutrition--Penns" by Amy Jeanece Seals

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Daniel Hubbard

Committee Members

Cyrus Mayshark, John T. Smith


In order to make nutrition education really effective, academic theories must be related to practical applications. The seven week field experience with the Division of Nutrition, Pennsylvania Department of Health provided this opportunity.

The student observed and participated in a variety of activities planned to orient her to the operation of a well developed nutrition program. The interrelationships of the nutrition program to the health department and the other health agencies in the community was also observed. Through conferences with health professionals, selected readings, and field observations in the health department and other health care facilities, the student gained an overview of the programs of the Division of Nutrition of the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The planned experiences and activities helped the student to broaden her understanding of public health philosophies and reinforced her concept of the role of nutrition in the health care delivery system.

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