"An Analysis of the Field Experience with the Florida Division of Healt" by Charlotte Ann McDowell

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Mary Rose Gram, Cyrus Mayshark


The seven-week field experience was designed to increase the student's understanding of public health. She was also to develop her awareness of factors which affect public health program planning and the coordination of the roles of the public health nutritionist with the roles of other health workers.

These objectives were achieved through observation and participation in the program of the Nutrition Section of the Florida Division of Health. A review of environmental influences, health-related statistics, and the existing administrative structures of the Division of Health and the Nutrition Section was related to health program planning. The professional characteristics of the public health nutritionist were assessed and applied to the functional aspects of administration, consultation, and instruction. A project in in-service education for public health nurses is discussed, and its impact on the participants evaluated.

A principle of the public health philosophy described perceives the public health nutritionist as a specialized health professional with responsibility for leadership in achieving and maintaining adequate nutritional status. The influences of community cooperation on program planning and of coordination with other health workers on the role of the public health nutritionist is discussed.

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