"Fostering Foreign Language Learning Through Game Play" by Rachel Marie Floyd

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Sebastien Dubreil

Committee Members

John Romeiser, Cary Staples


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of pedagogical video games in positively affecting students’ knowledge of a foreign language and culture as well as their students’ perspectives on the learning process in such a learning-throughgaming environment. The theories that support such an endeavor are explored. This study looked at the process of making a French pedagogical video game that focuses on presenting French culture, history, language as well as fostering lexico-grammatical, interpersonal communication, and interpretational skills. It focuses specifically on learning through gameplay and provides evidence on the positive effect of the game on elementary level French students’ lexico-grammatical knowledge, improvements that could be made for the game, and further areas of research for foreign language pedagogical video games.

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