Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Mary Jo Hitchcock

Committee Members

David G. Craig, Grayce E. Goertz


The effectiveness of an educational film and programmed instruction in training food service personnel was investigated. Fourteen food service employees received training on the prevention of falls in the kitchen by viewing an educational film. Twelve food service employees received training on the same topic by completing a unit of programmed instruction.

Before receiving the training, each employee completed a pretest to measure his present knowledge of the subject matter. After receiving the training, each employee completed a first posttest to measure the learning that had occurred. One week later a second posttest was given to each employee to measure the retention of knowledge. The order of the questions was changed randomly on the pretest and posttests.

Pretest and posttest scores were compared with a "t" test. Correlation coefficients and partial correlation coefficients were computed between test scores, the level of education completed and the total length of time worked in food service jobs.

Both experimental groups indicated equivalent knowledge concerning the prevention of falls at the beginning of the study. Comparison of the scores on the first and second posttests indicated that comparable gains in knowledge and retention occurred when either educational film or programmed instruction was used.

Based on the pretest and posttest scores of employees viewing the film and completing the program, a recommendation for these two training techniques for food service personnel seems warranted. Either of these training techniques or the two techniques used in a combination offer possibilities for the dietitian to maintain a continuing training program for the food service personnel.

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