"Nuclear Structure Studies in <sup>90</sup>Y" by Ronald E. Goans

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Carrol R. Bingham

Committee Members

Robert J. Lovell, Robert W, Lide


Differential cross sections (12.5° to 47.5°) were measured for the 89Y (d,p) reaction with 33.3 Mev deuterons from the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron. Proton spectra up to 5 Mev excitation in the 90Y were observed in nuclear emulsions exposed in the focal plane of the broad range spectrograph. The resolution was approximately 25 Kev. The excitation energies agreed within experimental error with (d,p) experiments at 12 Mev and 15 Mev. Comparisons were made with DWBA calculations and ℓ-transfers were assigned to 25 levels. The ℓ-transfers and spectroscopic factors are in satisfactory agreement with previous papers for most strong transitions. However, the states at 1.962 and 2.245 Mev are found to be populated by ℓ=5 transitions, and if given spins of 5+ and 6+, respectively, have spectroscopic factors of 0.28 and 0.26. Several other previously unreported states were observed and ℓ-transfers were assigned to some of them.

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