Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Plant Sciences

Major Professor

J. Scott McElroy

Committee Members

John C. Sorochan, Steven W. Wilhelm


Taxonomic traits were utilized to identify problematic moss species common to golf course putting greens. Three predominant species of moss were identified on two golf course putting greens located in East Tennessee. Bryum argenteum, Amblystegium serpens and Entodon seductrix were identified on creeping bentgrass putting greens. Green house studies were initiated to investigate all three moss species control with carfentrazone and mancozeb. Utilizing digital image analysis investigations concluded carfentrazone controlled all three moss species greater than mancozeb. Sequential carfentrazone applications controlled all three moss species greater than single applications. Moss recovery and regrowth was observed with carfentrazone.

Field studies were initiated to evaluate Bryum argenteum control utilizing mancozeb, carfentrazone, and cultural practices. Cultural practices improved carfentrazone long term efficacy. Carfentrazone controlled Bryum argenteum greater than mancozeb. Similar Bryum argenteum control was observed with cultural practices alone and carfentrazone alone. Bryum argenteum recovery was observed with carfentrazone alone treatments. Mancozeb and non-treated plots increased in Bryum argenteum populations.

A common problematic species of cyanobacteria was identified on three golf courses all located near Knoxville, TN. Isolates were identified genetically and compared to other similar isolates. The Tennessee cyanobacteria isolate had a 94 % match to a Phormidium murryi, a filamentous mat forming cyanobacteria. The isolate was then subjected to a ten day In vitro screen determining copper and zinc toxicity levels. Both copper and zinc killed the Tennessee cyanobacteria isolates at 3.2 micromole concentrations. Both zinc and copper at 0.6 micromole concentrations increased the Tennessee cyanobacteria isolates growth when compared to the non-treated.

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