Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Marilyn Kallet

Committee Members

Mary Jo Reiff, Art Smith


The purpose of this thesis was to creatively explore emotionally intense and transformative moments in the author’s life through the use of poetry. The intention was to create poetry that served as a means for creative expression. The poetry here functions both to document the author’s life, to express the author’s feelings and thoughts of her life, and as art that should provide readers with the feeling that they have suddenly entered the mind, heart and experience of another person.

While much of the poetry is specific to the author’s life, some of the poems, especially those in the “Justice Card” section, bridge the gap between the author’s experience and her understanding of the injustices she perceives in the world around her.

The final intention was to create a manuscript of poetry that was somehow cohesive, meaning that although the poems should function on their own as complete works of art, they should at the same time support and be supported by the other poems in the collection, so that each poem informs the meaning of others. The overall theme of the collection was to be one of transformative thought or experience, and this was the theme intended to unite the poems.

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