Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Trevor M. Moeller

Committee Members

Peter U. Solies, James L. Simonton


The objective of this work is to provide a Nusselt Number in a Reynolds Number and Prandtl Number correlation for various surfaces of an aspirated total temperature probe exposed to high temperature flow. The experiment discharged thermally stabilized dry air through large scale models of the probe surfaces in a blow-down wind tunnel and a direct connect facility. The model contained electrically heated sections exposed to the flow which were thermally insulated and instrumented with thermocouples. Experimental data were recorded for several Reynolds numbers and heater positions across three configurations. Uncertainty analysis was performed by the Monte Carlo uncertainty propagation method. Reynolds number to Nusselt number correlations and their associated uncertainties were developed to a 95% confidence interval.

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