"Layers of Staro Sajmište [Re]Opening Dialog" by Jared Samuel Wilkins

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture



Major Professor

Katherine Ambroziak

Committee Members

James Rose, Daniel Magilow


This research analyzes and tests the application of a process driven memorial intervention on the contested territory of Staro Sajmište, Novi Belgrade’s former 1937 International Exposition Fairgrounds that was adapted into a concentration camp in 1941. Today, Staro Sajmište exists as makeshift living for an impoverished community. Traditional memorial and conservation efforts have been attempted on the site over the last 60 years; however, none have achieved an appropriate depth of impact. I propose to revisit Staro Sajmište through an intervention not recognized as a literal memorial, but rather as the transformation and re-appropriation of the urban fabric into an interactive and didactic neighborhood focused around a conversation of multilayered identities.

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