Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Lisa M. King

Committee Members

Jeffrey M. Ringer, Kirsten F. Benson


Korean, transracial, international adoptees (TRIAs) have been given an opportunity to tell their stories in the anthologies Seeds of a Silent Tree, Voices from Another Place, and More Voices. Through an examination of twelve stories from these three anthologies, I pinpoint issues that are faced by TRIAs who were raised in white families, and the significance these issues hold. I also discuss the unique perspectives displayed in each anthology, and the overall view of racial identity that can be observed through the study of a unique community. Through their status as in-between races and cultures, Korean, transracial, international adoptees can illuminate issues of race that would otherwise be forgotten. Through choices of display, TRIAs make clear statements about their colors, bodies, and races.

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