Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Rapinder Sawhney

Committee Members

Robert Keyser, Frank M. Guess


Custodial maintenance is an important aspect of operational maintenance in a facility. Custodial maintenance improves an organization's discipline, performance and keeps surroundings healthy. That being said maintaining clean surroundings involves considerable cost. Custodial maintenance cost forms significant portion of building budgets, however these costs are often neglected. This research deals with the identification of variables that affect maintenance costs in a facility and reduction of maintenance costs. The minimization of cost is done by giving the administrator or facilities manager the option of selecting alternatives in frequency of maintenance, level of maintenance and the number of people required to complete a maintenance task. This allows the administrator to develop maintenance strategies to accommodate the custodial maintenance budget. An optimization model has been built to achieve the goals of the research. Furthermore, the custodial management system (CMS) developed based on an optimization model allows the administrator to design new buildings from the perspective of reduced custodial maintenance cost and to sustain these costs over time. A case study is presented to validate the working of the model and the software. A sensitivity analysis has also been presented to identify the best alternative for the case study.

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