Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Steve Brooks

Committee Members

Uwe P. Solies, Borja Martos


The purpose of this thesis was to flight test the University of Tennessee Space Institute’s PA-32 Saratoga and PA-31 Navajo and provide baseline data for future students to reference. Flight tests consisted of both performance and stability and control parameters using a variety of flight test techniques. The tests selected represent the fundamentals that are taught in classes and short courses at the university, beginning with the air data system calibration, proceeding to cruise and climb performance, to stall performance and characteristics, and to static and dynamic stability.

After an introduction and description of the aircraft and flight test program, the selected flight tests are discussed with theory, flight test techniques, and data reduction methods. For many of the flight tests, only a single technique was used to gather data. However, a number of tests include the use of multiple techniques and/or data reduction methods; this provides students with exposure to varying methods that may be used with a range of aircraft. The results of each flight test are discussed and recommendations for future tests provided.

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