"A Study of Living Conditions in the Pittman Center Community, 1934-35" by Juanita Maupin

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Elizabeth Lacey Speer

Committee Members

D. Kent, Ida Anders


Purpose of this Study: To determine how the families of Pittman Community live as to: Property, Housing conditions, Conveniences and work areas, Health and sanitation, Social and educational factors, Operating expenses, Foods furnished by farms and food supplies purchased, and Indications of adequacy of diet.

An effort was also made to determine the cost of clothing, but this was found to be impossible, as most of the families bought their clothing from a second-hand clothing shop at a very low cost and made the clothing over into the desired garments. As there was no fixed price for this clothing, the families either could not state the cost or were hesitant about stating it.

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