"Molecular Organic Compounds of Ortho and Para Aminobenzoic Acids" by Weldon E. Cate

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Calvin A. Buehler

Committee Members

Judson H. Robertson, William Smith, Jr


The nature of the linkage between the components of molecular organic compounds is not clearly understood, although the existence of this type of compound has been known for many years. Since efforts to explain the structure of molecular compounds by the different theories of valence have met with only partial success, a series of investigations is being carried out in the Chemistry Laboratories of the University of Tennessee in an effort to formulate a theory by which the structure and properties of this interesting but perplexing type of compound may be explained.

The object of this investigation of the molecular organic compounds of the o- and p-aminobenzoic is to add to the data which is being collected in this laboratory with the hope that a sufficient amount of information will lead to a conclusive explanation of the linkage between the components of molecular compounds.

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