"Realism in the Works of Marta Brunet" by Gertrude Steudler Landis

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

James O. Swain

Committee Members

Robert Avrett, A.M. Johnston


The order in which the various subdivisions of this thesis are presented is: Biography of the author, discussion of her principal works, a short discussion of realism in literature and the listing of the six main criteria, the study of the works under each of these criteria and our Conclusions. A short Bibliography is appended.

As is sure to be the case with an author who is still relatively young and who, we hope, will continue for many years to produce other worthwhile books, it is difficult to consider the study conclusive. In the meantime, however, it is hoped that this modest thesis will be of help to students of Chilean literature and that some time in a not too distant future this study may be continued. Because a really conclusive judgement cannot be made until all of this author's works are available, we are not sure just how valuable our beginning has been.

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