"Methods of Analysis Used in U.S. Government Nutrition Investiagation a" by Charles Gottleib Schenk

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Major Professor

Chas E. Wait


The following methods and results represent the manner in which the analyses of the nutrition investigation have been carried on in the University laboratories for several years, and also many additional improvements of standard methods different from other laboratories. In classifying the analyses the four main heads which are discussed are: 1) Determination of Ash, 2) Determination of Nitrogen, 3) Determination of Water and Fat, & 4) Determination of Heat of Combustion.

In making the determination of each constituent the following order will be taken through each determination, being thus grouped to make a more systematic arrangement:

(1) Preparation of Sample amount taken for analysis,

(2) Reagents used in making determination,

(3) Apparatus,

(4) General remarks and peculiarities

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