Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

H.V. Shirley

Committee Members

O.E. Goff, Robert S. Dotsom, B.J.M Rafaddess


The efficiency of broiler production has increased greatly in recent years and can be attributed to advancements in the areas of breeding, management, nutrition, and disease control. No single factor in any one of these areas can be said to account for the major share of this increased efficiency but rather it is the combination of a large number of factors such as breeding techniques, and breed improvement, of improved management practices, and of advances in nutrition and disease control.

The optimum combination of conditions or factors for broiler production is seldom, if ever, realized. Information which might have been considered adequate at the time it was obtained may soon become out-dated. To continue to increase the efficiency of broiler production, frequent re-evaluation of management factors must be made and new practices developed. It was with these thoughts in mind that the series of experiments herein reported were designed and conducted.

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