Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Major Professor
Ben A. Plotnicki
Committee Members
Patsy Crockett
Statement of the problem: It was the purpose of this study (1) to compare, by means of sensory rhythm capacity and dance skill, those persons who had had one or less years of musical experience with those who had five or more years of musical experience; (2) to compare sensory rhythm capacity scores with skill grades in dance to determine what correlation, if any, exists between sensory rhythm capacity and dance skill; (3) to determine whether rhythm perception increases after a quarter of dance--tap, folk, and square, and modern.
Recommended Citation
Price, Patricia Ann Mays, "The Relationship Between Musical Experience, Sensory Rhythm, and Dance Skill. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1963.