"The Teaching of Games in Elementary Schools" by A. Watt Hobt

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

John A. Thackston


(From Introduction)

The great impetus given to games during recent years and the knowledge that play, to be educational, must be taught and supervised, has led to a demand for teachers of play and a resulting demand for college courses for teacher training in play. Many states have recently passed physical education laws requiring play instruction by trained teachers. The play movement has changed according to Rainwater; "From provision for little children to that of all people; from facilities operated during the summer only to those maintained thruout the year; from out-door equipment and activities only to both outdoor and indoor facilities and events; from congested urban districts to both urban and rural communities; from philanthropic to community support and control; from free play and miscellaneous events to directed play with organized activities and correlated schedules; from a simple to a complex field of activities including manual, physical, aesthetic, social, and civic projects; from the provision of facilities to the definition of standards for the use of leisure time; and from individual interests to group and community activities."

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