Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Graeme A. Canning

Committee Members

Edwin B. Powers, H. A. Stephens


Summary: A study of the whole school accommodating two hundred twenty-seven children, one hundred and five girls and one hundred and twenty-two boys, shows that 31.6 per cent of the children harbor no parasite, 47.7 per cent are parasitized by E. coli, I. butschlii, E. nana, C. mesnilli or G. lamblia, which are considered as symbiots. Therefore, a total of 52.3 per cent harbor pathogenic organisms. Ascaris infection occurs in the largest number, 24.2 per cent, then E. histolytica, 15.5 per cent, H. nana, 11.0 per cent, Necator, 7.5 per cent, Whipworm 5.0 per cent.

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