Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

B. Eugene Wofford

Committee Members

Sally Horn, David K. Smith


The vascular flora along a portion of the Upper Clinch River (UCR) in Claiborne, Grainger, and Hancock Counties, Tennessee was inventoried for two full growing seasons in 1994 and 1995. A total of 526 species and lesser taxa in 108 families and 338 genera were documented. Three hundred and twenty-six taxa were determined to be county records. Six taxa are state listed as threatened or special concern species in Tennessee.

Distributions of the taxa indicate a strong northern extraneous influence on the flora. However, intraneous elements still represent the single largest category. Northern taxa comprise almost 52% of the total flora when all categories are considered. As well, introduced taxa constitute a relatively large percentage of the flora at 15%.

The Clinch River has been designated as one of the most biologically important river systems in Tennessee. Many of the prime habitats of the river are found in its upper stretches. Considering the importance of the UCR, no significant portions are under public domain. Similarly, no long-term systematic studies of the flora have ever been conducted. Hopefully, this study will help to further knowledge of the vascular plants of the region, and aid in the protection of the resources of this river in the future.

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