Masters Theses
Statistical Mechanics and Schramm-Loewner Evolution with Applications to Crack Propagation Processes
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Major Professor
Joan R. Lind
Committee Members
Michael W. Frazier, Suzanne M. Lenhart
Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE) has both mathematical and physical roots that extend as far back as the early 20th century. We present the progression of these humble roots from the Ideal Gas Law, all the way to the renormalization group and conformal field theory, to better understand the impact SLE has had on modern statistical mechanics. We then explore the potential application of the percolation exploration process to crack propagation processes, illustrating the interplay between mathematics and physics.
Recommended Citation
Mesic, Christopher Borut, "Statistical Mechanics and Schramm-Loewner Evolution with Applications to Crack Propagation Processes. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2014.