Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

James L. Simonton

Committee Members

Andrew J. Yu, James Ostrowski


In this study, an attempt to evaluate factual benefits of an advanced degree in the field of Engineering Management has been made. The study concentrated on estimation of economic and non-monetary benefits, reported by various groups of Engineering Management alumni of The University of Tennessee. The comparison between age, gender and career variation groups was completed, and the possible reasons for these findings were discussed. Also, additional data pertaining to program cost coverage, demographics, composition of alumni pool, and appreciation of the Engineering Management program in their post-graduation careers was collected and analyzed. The study suggests that, even though there is an economic benefit to obtaining an advanced degree, it takes several years until its potential can be fully realized. Moreover, there appear to be noticeable non-monetary benefits to continuing professional education in the field of Engineering Management.

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