Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Major Professor

Wayne T. Davis

Committee Members

Terry L. Miller, Joshua S. Fu


Emission inventories are a critical component for air quality management. An accurate and up-to-date inventory data is an essential element of air quality modeling that is crucial in determining compliance with ambient standards and in making policy decisions. To insure that accurate inventory data are obtained in a State or local agency, a combined Title V permitting process and point source inventory reporting infrastructure are being implemented using Microsoft’s Access database program. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a consolidated system for the State of Tennessee point source inventory, the Consolidated Emission Reporting Rule (CERR) request information system and Tennessee Title V permitting system, thus allowing the management of these tasks within the same system. The system provides a method for companies to complete their Title V permit applications electronically and, at the same time, generate their point source inventory required by CERR. For validation purposes, the inventory data obtained from the electronic Title V permit application via the system are checked against the National Emission Inventory Input Format (NIF 3.0) quality assurance algorithm. With this method of collecting and verifying data, regulatory agencies can update emission inventories with data to meet the requirements of the Consolidated Emissions Reporting Rule with minimal effort.

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