Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Major Professor
Kristina C. Gordon
Committee Members
Derek R. Hopko, Hollie A. Raynor
This study examines the effects of social support, specifically from intimate, committed partners, for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Integrating social learning theory and health, this study aims to develop a measure of the frequency of diabetes-specific supportive behaviors and the perceived quality of those behaviors as perceived by patients with diabetes (Bandura, 1977). Developing a psychometrically sound instrument will assist future research examining intimate relationships and diabetes-related health outcomes. The Diabetes Partner Support Questionnaire (DPSQ), contains modified items from a scale measuring parental support for children with type 1 diabetes (La Greca & Bearman, 2002). The present study involved development of the DPSQ and examination of its psychometric properties. Excellent internal consistencies were found (α [alpha] = .94 - .96), and the frequency items loaded onto two factors (i.e., expressive emotional support, instrumental support) whereas the quality items loaded onto one factor. Convergent validity was demonstrated in that the DPSQ was positively correlated with couple satisfaction and positive dyadic communication. The DPSQ was not related to demand-withdraw communication patterns or health outcome.
Recommended Citation
Wischkaemper, Katie Cassandra, "The Diabetes Partner Support Questionnaire: Psychometric Scale Development. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2013.