Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Robert. B. Richards

Committee Members

Charles T. N. Paludan, Richard J. Ranaudo


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capability to demonstrate F/A-18 Hornet departure characteristics, mainly the spin, with Flight Control Computer (FCC) Operation Flight Program (OFP) Version 10.7 (v10.7). Version 10.7 was released to the Navy and Marine Corps F/A-18A/B/C/D fleet in 2003. Version 10.7 was developed based on the existing FCC OFP (v10.5.1) to minimize out-of-control flight or departure related mishaps. Version 10.7 was only a software upgrade and no hardware change to the existing F/A-18 was made. Version 10.7 was remarkable since most of the known F/A-18 departure prone flight envelopes were rendered departure free by software change alone. Although v10.7 eliminated most of the F/A-18 departure prone areas, it did not eliminate F/A-18 departures completely. Therefore, there still exists a need to train pilots in F/A-18 departures and a need for Departure Demonstration Syllabus.

As a result of departure resistant features of the new FCC OFP, significant portion of the F/A-18 Departure Demonstration Syllabus had to be changed. Several test flights were conducted to re-develop the syllabus. These flight test results revealed that existing spin entry procedure would not be sufficient to enter and sustain the spin. Most of the flight tests to re-develop the syllabus were spent on fine tuning the repeatable spin entry procedure and sustaining the spin long enough for instructional purposes.

Recommended procedure proved to be the best repeatable spin entry procedure. This procedure allowed sustained spin for one turn after the pro-spin flight control inputs were removed. This one turn was necessary for pilots to evaluate the spin characteristics of the F/A-18 and train them to use proper procedures to recover from sustained spins.

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