"Complementary Bodydriving - A Low-voltage Analog Circuit Technique Rea" by Yong LeeKee

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Benjamin J. Blalock

Committee Members

Donald W. Bouldin, Syed K. Islam


This thesis presents a study of several analog circuit primitives that utilize the body terminal as a signal port to achieve low-voltage operation and high performance. Several issues relating to low-voltage applications as well as the trends of technology scaling in the near future are presented. Principles of the body-driven transistor for both PMOS and NMOS in PDSOI technology are described, and critical design considerations are discussed. The design of low-voltage analog primitives (cascode current mirror and differential pair) are described and analyzed in detail. A discussion of the design and analysis of a 4-quadrant analog multiplier is also presented. Prototyping and testing procedures are discussed and the results of the prototyped circuits are evaluated. Finally, a summary of the work is presented along with insights gained toward future research.

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