Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. R. Bruce Robinson

Committee Members

Dr. Chris D. Cox, Dr. Terry L. Miller


This thesis includes a review of literature of the limestone contactors technology for small water systems and discusses the process and methodology involved in developing the educational module on limestone contactors. It includes most of the narrative texts presented in the module. Both this thesis and the module are intended to be used as an educational tool by small public water system operators, owners, regulators, and engineers of limestone contactors as a corrosion control method to meet the lead and copper action level stated in the U.S. EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule. This module includes the description of the processes involved in a limestone contactor, the criteria used in the design, operational and maintenance procedure, and performance data, as well as multimedia tools such as photos and interactive process diagrams to further explain the process and components involved in a limestone contactor. Data and information presented are based on limestone contactors designed in U.S., Germany and South Africa. The module is the fourth in a series of water treatment technology educational modules created by the University of Tennessee and the University of New Hampshire and the first to be available on the web.

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