Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Dr. Ralph Kimberlin

Committee Members

Dr. Alfonso Pujol, Mr. Richard Ranaudo


Controlled-flight-into-terrain incidents have been a leading cause of aircraft related fatalities for a number of years. The development of warning systems to prevent this type of mishap has been constant since the early 1970’s. A family Ground Proximity Warning Systems and, recently, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems have been mandated for use in commercial aircraft in the United States.

Such systems have also been adapted for use in high performance military aircraft, although they tend to be very different from the commercially required variants due to their unique operating environment and aircraft performance requirements.

In this paper, one such system is described in detail, and a set of unique test techniques required to test systems for high performance aircraft is explored. A number of recommendations for testing terrain warning systems intended for use in high performance aircraft are also developed.

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