Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Public Administration

Major Professor

John D. Peine

Committee Members

Cecilia Zanetta, Bruce Tonn


Gateway community and rural planning literature was examined to determine the essential elements of successful Gateway Communities and was combined with interviews with citizens, consultants and government agents to ascertain present conditions. Analysis of these elements was applied toward a case study of the Tuckaleechee Cove planning process.

Common problems experienced in rapidly developing gateway communities are environmental degradation, visual blight, low wages, seasonal unemployment, and loss of residential base.

Tuckaleechee Cove lacks sufficient landowner support to address issues on a Cove-wide basis. National Parks, local communities, county government, state agencies, federal agencies, citizens, landowners, and the business community must be involved, if the planning effort is to be successful.

Communication among Blount County, TCAB, GSMNP, and the City of Townsend seems to be regular, amicable and well-established. Communication among landowners and other entities could be improved.

There are three potential paths to move the planning process forward. These are identified by three approaches: Planning District Approaches, Incorporation Based Approaches, and Sewer Line Catalyst Approaches. The Sewer Line Catalyst Approach is a novel means, with potential to bring resistant parties to the negotiating table.

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