"The Geology of the Eastern Half of the Lake City Quadrangle, Anderson " by Joseph B. Cathey Jr.

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Harry J. Klepser

Committee Members

Paris B. Stockdale, F. C. Kruger, F. G. Snyder



The field work involved in the preparation of this thesis was begun in the fall of 1949 and completed during the summer of 1950. The writer used the geological folio of the area (Keith, 1897) to orient himself in general in the field. The geologic mapping was started in the eastern part of the quadrangle in the Valley and Ridge portion of the area and then continued westward into the Plateau portions. The final study resulted in both stratigraphic and structural modification of some of Keith's interpretations.

The writer gratefully acknowledges the counsel and assistance of Dr. Harry J. Klepser in the preparation of this manuscript. He is also indebted to Mr. Robert A. Lawrence of the U. S. G. S. for suggestions involving the usage of several of the formational names.


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