Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Hanno H. Weitering

Committee Members

Veerle Keppens, Pengcheng Dai


This thesis examines quantum confined quasi-one-dimensional structures on silicon surfaces. An in situ prepared and hydrogenated Si(100)-(2x1) is investigated, on which a quasi-dimensional nanostructure is fabricated via scanning tunneling microscopy. Also, the feasibility of STM-based nanolithography on an ex situ hydrogenated Si(111)-(1x1) surface is explored. Using methods such as those discussed herein it is possible to create quasi one-dimensional semiconducting metallic nanowires as well as contact pads, useful for four point probe measurements at the nanoscale. Using a STM, dimer wide strips of hydrogen are removed from the passivated layer to reveal bare silicon surface bonds forming a nanowire approximately 100nm in length. Gallium is then evaporated onto the hydrogen-passivated surfaces and imaged. Silicon structures observed during preparation such as Si(100)-(2xn) and Si(100)-c(4x4) are also discussed.

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