Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Todd M. Moore

Committee Members

Kristina C. Gordon, Derek R. Hopko


The current study examined the indirect effect of male intimate partner aggression victimization on psychological symptom status through masculine gender role stress (MGRS) and shame proneness operating as serial mediators. Male college students (N = 74) completed self-report measures of intimate partner aggression, psychological symptoms, MGRS, and shame proneness. Results indicated a significant indirect effect of physical victimization on psychological symptom status through MGRS and shame proneness operating in sequence; results showed no significant indirect effect for psychological victimization. These results suggest that, perhaps, physical victimization creates increased MGRS, which, in turn, leads to greater shame proneness, which, likewise, produces increased psychological symptoms. Possible interpretations of differential findings for physical and psychological victimization are discussed in relation to differential threat to masculinity. Additionally, exploratory analyses for specific psychological symptom clusters (i.e., depression, anxiety, and hostility) are presented and discussed.

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