Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

George W. Masters

Committee Members

Ralph D. Kimberlin, Charles T. N. Paludan


In the spring of 2004 the Department of the Navy issued requirements for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet to integrate tactical imagery for precise machine to machine targeting and real time mission assessment. The operational intent was to increase the contribution of the F/A-18 to the kill chain for ground targets.

In response to that requirement the F/A-18 Advanced Weapons Laboratory (AWL) began work with Boeing on the H2E+ Software Configuration Set (SCS) program which consisted of:

1. Software and hardware changes to aircraft mission computers to support

a. image viewing and editing in the cockpit

b. image transmission and reception over tactical datalinks

c. capture and save of images from onboard sensors

2. Solid State Recorder (SSR) integration

3. Software changes to Mission Planning stations to support preflight imagery planning and post flight imagery review

The AWL/Boeing team began flight test with H2E+ and SSR in January 2005. After extensive test and evaluation, the H2E+ SCS with SSR was found to increase the capability of the F/A-18 to execute certain steps in the kill chain. However several deficiencies were found that warrant further development.

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