Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Benjamin J. Blalock

Committee Members

Syed K. Islam, M. Nance Ericson


This thesis presents the design and implementation of a 5-V compatible operational amplifier in a 3.3-V technology capable of accepting rail-to-rail inputs, providing a rail-to-rail output swing and wide temperature range operation. The major system components consist of a fully-differential input (gain) stage and an output (driver) stage, with protection and bias circuitry components. The op amp is biased by a constant inversion coefficient current reference to optimize its performance over temperature. Measured results demonstrate the functionality of the design, which has been fabricated in a 0.35-µm, partially-depleted silicon-on-insulator (PDSOI) CMOS process.

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