"Design of Cessna 210 Radome-Pod Instrument Interface for Flight Testin" by Lumumba Thutmose O. Obika

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Dr U.P Solies

Committee Members

Dr. A Pujol Jr., Borja Martos


The purpose of this study was to determine the most appropriate location and design for an instrument interface that can utilize minimum volume within a Cessna 210 wing-pod. This study considered some instruments such as a radiometer, heitronics pyrometer, laser altimeter and a network camera; to develop a suitable instrument interface. The study examined the process needed to implement a design methodology for instrument interfaces for flight testing. The study combined varying physiological factors to produce a design for the internal-instruments’ interface of a wing pod. These factors include but may not be limited to simulated analysis, impact on human physiology, center of gravity calculations and practicality of instrument location. Accessibility factors evidently determined the most accessible placement of the flight test instruments for maintenance as well enable effective space utilization within the wing pod. Constraints of the study resulted in an acceptable zonal placement of the instruments forward of the certified center of gravity and a design that is simply effective. The results are not outstanding as any change in instrument interface features such as weight, design and location will alter the zonal placement of the instruments by moving it further aft. Further improvements can be made by optimizing the design to improve the structural strength and loading configurations.

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