"An evaluation of the readability of four health series" by Pamela Abbott Gravatt

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Major Professor

W. Jean Schindler

Committee Members

Susan Benner, Phyllis Huff


The purpose of this study was to evaluate four health series by computing readability scores and the reinforcement of new vocabulary words. The readability scores were calculated using the Harris-Jacobson readability formula. The new vocabulary words introduced in the series were listed on the Worksheet for Analysis of Instructional Materials Beyond Readability Scales (Schindler, 1980). The reinforcements of the new vocabulary words were checked on the Schindler worksheet. From these instruments of comprehensive evaluation, half of the textbooks were seen as being written at a readability level that differed from the publisher's estimated grade level. Only one of the texts in the four health series reinforced adequately the new vocabulary words listed in the introductory lessons. These findings point to the need for publishers as well as teachers to pay attention to the language of health texts due to the impact which textbooks have upon the health curriculum.

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